Upcoming Events

Equity Title Agency is proud to bring timely and meaningful education to the real estate community. If you don’t see a topic of interest, call us and we will see what we can come up for you!

MLS And Title Classes

MLS And Title Classes

Date: July 17, 2018 Time: 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM Location: 20229 N 67th Avenue #c4, Glendale, AZ, 85308

Are you new to real estate? Been in the business a while and just want to hone your skills? Each Wednesday we offer a different class on a variety of topics including Flexmls, RPR, CloudCMA, Title and Escrow and more. As a former ARMLS trainer I know a lot of the behind the scenes tips and tricks to take your business to the next level! I would love to help you become more proficient with the tools you use everyday.

11th – Adding a Listing in Flexmls -Learn how to enter your listings into Flexmls and learn the ARMLS rules for listings so you stay in compliance and fine free.

17th – Reading a Title Report – Our Branch Manager and Senior Escrow Officer Kim Farnsworth will walk you through how to read a title report and what you should be looking for. When you leave this class you will be better prepared to answer questions your clients may have and be a step ahead of your competition.

25th – Searching Tips and Tricks – Learn how to save time searching in Flexmls and ways to make your searches more effective using wild cards and other hidden gems in Flexmls.

Each class is limited to 12 attendees so be sure to RSVP early to save your spot.

Class held at: Equity Northwest Branch – 20229 N 67th Ave Ste C4, Glendale AZ 85308

From 10-11:30am

RSVP to Candace Wren at [email protected]

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Online bookings are not available for this event.